Grower Requested Own Use program logo


cornpotatoeswheat & breadseedcanola

Grower Requested Own Use (GROU) Program

  • GROU Container Committee
    #1212-220 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    Canada  R3C 0A5

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please contact the web administrator at or by calling (204) 254-5136.

If you have any questions or concerns about the GROU program in general that is not related to a specific application, please contact:

Pest Management Information Service
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Health Canada
2720 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Address Locator: 6606D2
K1A 0K9

Telephone: (613) 736-3799
Toll-free:  (800) 267-6315
Facsimile: (613) 736-3798
Teletypewriter: (800) 267-1245 (Health Canada)